Who We Are
Pursuing His Presence.
Expressing His Kingdom.
Serving Jesus through serving one another.

God is love. Therefore, love is at the core of who we are and what we do.
The first and second commandments are written on our hearts because God loved us, and our response to Him is love.
Our gifts, our relationships and how we function all operate our of love and flow through love.
No other value will ever violate this value of Love.
We honor God. We honor each other. When love is the supreme value, a culture of honor is assumed.
We serve God. We serve each other. We are generous in all things as God as been generous toward us.
In all we do, we operate out of love to build up, encourage, edify and comfort each other above all things.

We value family but we believe the greatest impact is realized when our nuclear family is integrated into our Kingdom family.
According to Matthew 19:29 we lay down our lives to build up families and strengthen kingdom family. Our church family, or the “household of faith” takes priority over the greater community at large. The communities within our sphere influence will know we are in Christ, not by our spiritual gifts, but how we love each other as kingdom family.
Our biological families will know the value of of the kingdom of God by how we love and value our kingdom family. We build each other up. We supply each other’s needs. We serve each other. We prefer each other because we operate out of a spirit of generosity and we value love above all things.
We function as kingdom family best through our Life Groups that meet together, eat together and pray together.

We connect with the greater community around us.
Our Life Groups not only facilitate kingdom family by ministering to one another, they also reach out to those within our sphere of influence that have never known the of God or have been wounded by past church experiences.
We love and support the vision of community leaders. We value love so we will love our neighbors. We are generous toward our community with our time and resources because God is generous toward us. We foster a culture of revival in our house and we establish a culture of transformation in our communities.
We will learn the vision of the community and find the piece that we can support. We will disciple our cities, first, through service, until we see our cities operate from a place of love, joy and peace.
In generosity of spirit we connect with love, disciple in love and transform by love.
It’s not about building our kingdom. It’s about establishing His.

God’s name is excellent, therefore, we are an excellent people. We are excellent in both function and relationship.
We love with excellence. We serve with excellence. We excel because we are in His name. Our pursuit of excellence does not violate our values of love, family and community but flows from love through that which we value.
We provide the space, path and progression for people to be more excellent. We pursue excellence, not out of obligation, but out of a generosity of spirit that is willing to sow our time in order to reap something greater.
We pursue excellence to properly represent the nature of God rather than purchase the favor of man. Excellence is a constant progression and not a destination. We long to grown increasingly in excellence of character, service, action and excellence of spirit.